Even after decades of discussion on the economic advantages or disadvantages of a forestry management practice using uneven-aged stands there is still no consistent description of the conditions which make continuous cover forests more economically interesting than forests with an age-class gradation. Based on existing references this paper tries to point out such preconditions. Studies of comparative statics at management unit level are presented; these often reveal a clear advantage of continuous cover forests in Central European circumstances. The greater resistance of a forest with continuous cover to abiotic and biotic damage, together with the possibility of harvesting trees when their individual financial maturity is attained, are important reasons for this result. Studies at stand level on the transformation of even-aged into uneven-aged forests do not always show an advantage for continuous cover forest. Here, it seems to be important whether or not interest rates form the basis for the conclusions, and if so how high these interest rates are, also at what age transformation begins. Earlier and more regular net revenues during the process of stand transformation into continuous cover systems can lead to superior financial results when compared to even-aged silvicultural systems . However, present knowledge is still relatively scarce in what concerns possible differences in logging and overhead costs as well as costs for forest roads in the two silvicultural systems under comparison.
Knoke, T. (2009). Zur finanziellen Attraktivität von Dauerwaldwirtschaft und Überführung: eine Literaturanalyse | On the financial attractiveness of continuous cover forest management and transformation: a review. Schweizerische Zeitschrift Fur Forstwesen, 160(6), 152–161. https://doi.org/10.3188/szf.2009.0152
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