Pemberdayaan pengolah ikan di Provinsi Jawa Barat dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan pelaku usaha, menjamin keamanan pangan produk yang dihasilkan, dan ikut menjaga kelestarian sumber daya ikan yang ada. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kinerja pemberdayaan pengolah ikan skala rumah tangga dan dampaknya di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Metode analisis menggunakan uji beda Man Whitney U. Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah ada perbedaan nyata proses pemberdayaan pengolah ikan dan dampaknya di pesisir utara Kabupaten Cirebon dan selatan Kabupaten Sukabumi, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan nyata proses pemberdayaan pengolah ikan dan dampaknya baik di pesisir utara Kabupaten Cirebon maupun di pesisir selatan Kabupaten Sukabumi. Kebijakan pemberdayaan pengolahan ikan skala rumah tangga di Provinsi Jawa Barat baik di pesisir utara maupun selatan tidak perlu dibedakan. Namun, intensitas pemberdayaan terutama penyuluhan perikanan, bantuan peralatan dan modal usaha perlu ditingkatkan lagi. Title: The Empowerment of Small Scale Fish Processorsin West Java Province Empowerment of fish processors in West Java Province was carried out in order to improve wellbeing of the fish processors, ensuring food security of the product, and maintaining sustainability of the fish resource. The purpose of this study was to analyze performance of the empowerment of small scale fish processors and its related impact in the West Java Province. The analytical method used different test Man Whitney U. Hypothesis of this research was that there was a significant difference between the process of fish processing empowerment and its related impact in the north coast of Cirebon District and in the south coast of Sukabumi district of West Java Province. The results indicated that there was no significant difference between the process of fish processing empowerment and its impact both in the north coast of Cirebon and in the south coast of Sukabumi. Hence, policy on empowerment small scale fish processing household in both north and south coast districts of West Java Province can be treated the same. However, the intensity of empowerment, especially in terms of fisheries extension, equipment and business capital assistance need to be improved.
Hudaya, Y., Hubeis, A. V., Sugihen, B., & Fatchiya, A. (2017). PEMBERDAYAAN PENGOLAH IKAN SKALA RUMAH TANGGA DI PROVINSI JAWA BARAT. Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan Dan Perikanan, 12(2), 189.
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