Abstrak: Persalinan lama merupakan masalah besar di Indonesia dan berada pada peringkat ke-5 penyebab kematian utama kematian ibu. Angka kejadian persalinan lama Indonesia 9 % dari keseluruhan angka kematian dan 3%-5% dari proses kelahiran. Kejadian persalinan lama sebanyak 1.565 kasus (60%) dari 2607 persalinan. Tujuan penelitian ini diketahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan persalinan lama di Rumah Sakit Dr.H.Abdul Moeloek Provinsi Lampung. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, rancagan penelitian analitik dengan pendekatan case control, jumlah populasi persalinan 2607, sampel case 148 responden dan control 148 responden dengan teknik random sampling menggunakan lembar observasi. Analisa distribusi frekuensi dengan presentase kemudian chi square dan uji multiple regression logistic. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan signifikan inersia uteri dengan persalinan lama(p=0,001) OR=4,603, letak janin dengan persalinan lama (p=0,001) OR=3,897, janin besar dengan persalinan lama (p=0,001) OR=2,427, CPD dengan persalinan lama (p=0,002) OR=2,602, KPD dengan persalinan lama (p=0,001) OR=5,830, usia dengan persalinan lama (p=0,003) OR=2,106, paritas dengan persalinan lama (p=0,001) OR=3,159. Hasil analisis paling dominan adalah KPD sangat berpengaruh dengan persalinan lama p=0,001, OR=10,671 dengan probabilitas terhadap kejadian persalinan lama sebesar 77,3 %. Peningkatan kemampuan dokter dan bidan diperlukan dalam deteksi dini komplikasi yang di alami ibu saat kehamilan dengan pelayanan antenatal dan pemantauan proses persalinan dengan partograf serta pelatihan Asuhan Persalinan Normal (APN). ANALYSIS OF FACTORS RELATED TO THE OLD LABOR Abstract: Prolonged labor is a major problem in Indonesia and ranked the 5th leading cause of death maternal mortality. The incidence of prolonged labor Indonesia 9% of overall mortality and 3% -5% of the birth process. The incidence of prolonged labor as many as 1,565 cases (60%) of the 2607 deliveries. The purpose of this study unknown factors associated with prolonged labor in Hospital Dr.H.Abdul Moeloek Lampung Province. Quantitative research, analytical research rancagan case control approach, the amount of labor population in 2607, a sample of 148 respondents case and control 148 respondents by random sampling technique using observation sheet. Analysis of the frequency distribution with a percentage then the chi square test and multiple logistic regression. The results showed no significant relationship uterine inertia with prolonged labor (p = 0.001) OR = 4.603, location of the fetus with prolonged labor (p = 0.001) OR = 3.897, large fetus with prolonged labor (p = 0.001) OR = 2.427, CPD with prolonged labor (p = 0.002) OR = 2.602, KPD with prolonged labor (p = 0.001) OR = 5.830, age with prolonged labor (p = 0.003) OR = 2.106, parity with prolonged labor (p = 0.001) OR = 3.159. Results of the analysis is the most dominant influence KPD with prolonged labor p = 0.001, OR = 10.671 by the probability of the occurrence of prolonged labor amounted to 77.3%. It is recommended that increased cooperation in improving the ability of doctors and nurses detect early complications in the natural mother during pregnancy with antenatal care and monitoring of the delivery process with partograf and training Normal Delivery Care (APN.
Yohanna, W. S. (2016). Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Persalinan Lama. Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 1(1), 33–46. https://doi.org/10.30604/jika.v1i1.6
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