Vocational High School (SMK), every practice always requires practice materials when the demand for practice materials is always the same between majors, so schools have difficulty in fulfilling them. To meet the needs of practice materials optimally. then we need a system of procurement of practicum materials which later the data will be processed using the Monte Carlo method with testing using PHP programming. The results of this study are predictions of optimal practicum material needs in the existing majors at SMK DWI SEJAHTERA, especially in this study in the TKJ department and the materials needed and the amount of practice materials needed. The accuracy rate is 97%. So this research is very helpful in predicting the need for practice materials used by schools in improving student practice services.
Daulay, S., & Rahmi. (2022). PREDICTION OF MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR VOCATIONAL PRACTICES USING THE MONTE CARLO METHOD (CASE STUDY AT SMK DWI SEJAHTERA PEKANBARU). Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science, 4(1), 74–83. https://doi.org/10.37385/jaets.v4i1.936
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