This paper proposes a simple threshold Public-Key Cryp- tosystem (PKC) which is secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext at- tack, under the Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) intractability assumption. Previously, it was shown how to design non-interactive threshold PKC secure under chosen ciphertext attack, in the random-oracle model and under the DDH intractability assumption [25]. The random-oracle was used both in the proof of security and to eliminate interaction. General completeness results for multi-party computations [6,13] enable in principle converting any single server PKC secure against CCA (e.g., [19,17]) into a threshold one, but the conversions are inefficient and require much interaction among the servers for each ciphertext decrypted. The recent work by Cramer and Shoup [17] on single server PKC secure against adaptive CCA is the starting point for the new proposal.
Goldwasser, S. (1999). An efficient threshold public key cryptosystem secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 1592, pp. 90–106). Springer Verlag.
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