The objectives of this study were to validate the Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) for emergency medical technicians in the Gauteng Province of South Africa and to determine its construct equivalence and bias for different race groups. A cross-sectional survey design with an accidental sample (N = 318) was used. The MBIHSS and a biographical questionnaire were administered. Evidence of uniform bias was found for one item of the MBIHSS. Exploratory factor analyses resulted in a 3-factor model of burnout, consisting of Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalisation and Personal Accomplishment. The scales showed acceptable internal consistencies. Exploratory factor analysis with target rotations confirmed construct equivalence of scales for the White and Black groups. Opsomming Die doelstellings van hierdie studie was om die Maslach Uitbrandingsvraelys – Menslike Dienste-Opname (MBI-HSS) te valideer vir die Nood Mediese Tegnici in die Gauteng Provinsie van Suid-Afrika en om die konstrukekwivalensie en sydigheid daarvan vir die verskillende rassegroepe te bepaal. ’n Dwarssnee opname-ontwerp met ’n beskikbaarheidsteekproef (N = 318) is gebruik. Die MBI-HSS en ’n biografiese vraelys is afgeneem. Uniforme sydigheid is gevind vir een item van die MBI-HSS. Verkennende faktorontleding met teikenrotasies het geresulteer in ’n 3-faktormodel van uitbranding bestaande uit Emosionele Uitputting, Depersonalisasie en Persoonlike Bereiking. Die skale het aanvaarbare interne konsekwentheid getoon. Verkennende faktorontleding met teikenrotasies het die konstrukekwivalensie vir die drie faktore bevestig vir die Wit en Swart groepe.
Naudé, J. L. P., & Rothmann, S. (2004). The validation of the Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human services survey for emergency medical technicians in Gauteng. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 30(3).
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