Background/Aim. Adipose tissue secrets a number of hormonal active substances that play an important role in the development of various metabolic diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the resistin significance in patients with various forms of metabolic diseases. Methods. The survey was conducted in a hospital in Laplje Selo, and included 102 patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and renal insufficiency. All patients were verified and anthropometric characteristics and the basic hematological and biochemical analysis and resistin level were controlled. Results. The average age of the patients, 69 (67.6%) men and 33 (32.4%) women, was 55 ? 9.3 years. It was about two-thirds of smokers. The values of mean arterial blood pressure suggested that our patients had expressed hypertension, body mass index (28.5 ? 3.4 kg/m2) pointed to excessive well-fed, the circumference of hips (100 ? 10.8 cm), waist circumference (110 ? 17.4 cm) and the ratio of hip/waist circumference (1.05 ? 0.14) indicated a significant intra-abdominal distribution of fat tissue. More than one third of our patients had a certain form of cardiovascular diseases, renal failure was present almost in a fifth of patients, while diabetes mellitus was verified in 44.1% of the studied population. Significantly higher values of resistin concentrations were determined in patients with renal insufficiency and diabetes mellitus. In relation to the level of resistin, according to the number of metabolic diseases per patient, a statistically significant difference was achieved (F = 11.80, DF = 4.61, p < 0.001). Spearman correlation (r = 0.66, p < 0.001) found a statistically significant correlation between the number of diseases in one subject and the levels of resistin. Conclusion. In patients with diabetes mellitus and renal failure higher concentrations of resistin were recorded.Uvod/Cilj. Masno tkivo sekretuje brojne hormonski aktivne supstance koje imaju vaznu ulogu u razvoju razlicitih metabolickih oboljenja. Cilj ove studije bio je da se utvrdi znacaj rezistina kod bolesnika sa razlicitim formama metabolickih bolesti. Metode. Istrazivanje je sprovedeno u bolnici u Lapljem Selu i obuhvatilo je 102 bolesnika koji boluju od diabetes mellitus-a, kardiovaskularnih bolesti i bubrezne insuficijencije, najmanje treceg stepena. Svim ispitanicima obavljena su antropometrijska merenja, kontrolisane osnovne hematoloske i biohemijske analize i koncentracija rezistina. Rezultati. Prosecna starost ispitanika, 69 (67,6%) muskaraca i 33 (32,4%) zena, bila je 55 ? 9,3 godine. Dve trecine nasih bolesnika bili su pusaci. Srednja vrednost sistolnog arterijskog krvnog pritiska bila je 165 ? 17,1 mmHg, a dijastolnog 100 ? 9,23 mmHg, indeks telesne mase bio je u proseku 28,5 ? 3,4 kg/m2, obim kukova 100 ? 10,8 cm, obim struka 110 ? 17,4 cm, a odnos obim kukova/obim struka 1,05 ? 0,14. Vise od jedne trecine ispitanika imalo je neku formu kardiovaskularnih bolesti, bubreznu insuficijenciju imalo je skoro petina bolesnika, dok je diabetes mellitus bio verifikovan kod 44,1% ispitivane populacije. Znacajno vece vrednosti koncentracije rezistina utvrdjene su kod bolesnika sa diabetes mellitusom i bubreznom insuficijencijom. U odnosu na nivo rezistina bolesnici su se, prema broju metabolickih oboljenja po jednom bolesniku, statisticki znacajno razlikovali (F = 11,80; DF = 4,61; p < 0,001). Spearmanovom korelacijom (r = 0,66; p < 0,001) utvrdjena je statisticki znacajna povezanost izmedju broja bolesti kod jednog ispitanika i nivoa rezistina. Zakljucak. Veci broj manifestnih bolesti po jednom ispitaniku, diabetes mellitus i bubreznu insuficijenciju, karakterisu visoke vrednosti rezistina.
Rasic, D., Stolic, R., Jovanovic, A., Trajkovic, G., Rasic, J., & Sovtic, S. (2010). The significance of resistin concentration in metabolical diseases. Vojnosanitetski Pregled, 67(12), 965–968.
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