Abstrak Di Indonesia, strok sering dikaitkan oleh gaya hidup masyarakat yang kurang sehat, seperti makan makanan berlemak, kurang beraktivitas dan konsumsi gula terlalu banyak, sehingga rerata di antara masyarakat Indonesia mengidap penyakit diabetes melitus yang menjadi penyebab strok iskemik karena proses aterosklerosis. Penelitian ini melaporkan studi kasus pasien pascastrok iskemik dengan komorbid diabetes melitus tipe 2 yang mengalami tindakan fisioterapi selama tiga minggu periode Juli 2022 di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Dungus. Hasil pemeriksaan: identifikasi problematika fisioterapi pada pasien meliputi kelemahan dan hipotonus AGA, AGB ankle, pola sinergis AGB sinistra, kelemahan core dan postural control sehingga pasien kesulitan duduk ke berdiri dan mempertahankan posisi berdiri sendiri, knee tidak kuat (goyang) saat berdiri, hip sirkumduksi ketika berjalan, weight bearing ke sisi yang sehat, penurunan keseimbangan dan koordinasi. Simpulan: intervensi sebanyak tiga kali penangganan terdapat perkembangan (1) peningkatan kekuatan otot knee; (2) penurunan nyeri ketika aproximasi hip; (3) peningkatan sedikit pada tonus ankle; (4) pasien dapat mengontrol pola sinergis fleksi hip dan knee; (5) peningkatan keseimbangan ketika berdiri dan berjalan. Kata kunci: Diabetes melitus, iskemi, strok Management Cases Post Ischemic Stroke Sinistra with Diabetes Mellitus Komorbid Type II Dungus Hospital Abstract Stroke in Indonesia is more caused by unhealthy lifestyles and lifestyles, such as lazy to move, fatty foods and high cholesterol, so that many of them suffer from diseases, one of which is diabetes mellitus which causes stroke due to an atherosclerosis process. This study reports a case study of post-ischemic stroke patients with comorbid diabetes mellitus type 2 who underwent physiotherapy for three weeks in July 2022 at Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Dungus. Check up result: Identification of physiotherapy problems in patients including weakness and hypotonia of AGA, ankle AGB, synergistic pattern of left AGB, weakness of core and postural control so that patients have difficulty sitting to standing and maintaining a standing position alone, knee is not strong (shake) when standing, hip circumduction when walking , weight bearing to the healthy side, decreased balance and coordination. Conclusion: in the administration of interventions as many as three times there was a development of (1) an increase in knee muscle strength; (2) a decrease in pain during hip approximation; (3) a slight increase in ankle tone; (4) patients can control synergistic patterns of hip and knee flexion; (5) improved balance when standing and walking. Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, ischemic, stroke
Rosadi, R., Putro, K., Nurfani, M. Y., & Wardojo, S. S. I. (2023). Penatalaksanaan Kasus Post Ischemic Stroke Sinistra dengan Komorbid Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II di RSUD Dungus. Jurnal Integrasi Kesehatan & Sains, 5(1), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.29313/jiks.v5i1.10600
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