Most school doctors, who lived in the period of Early Christianity from 1st to 4th century A.D. and who were canonized saints, have been known, up to these days, among people and in scientific and medical circles as Holy Healers. It is understood that only exclusively educated medical experts, trained to heal professionally and prepare medicines are considered Holy Healers. Out of all Holy Healers, St. Kosma and Damian, St. Panteleimon, St. Luke, etc., are highly respected by our people. St. Luke (1st century A.D.) is specially honored by Serbian nation. His relics were taken to Smederevo in 1453 and then the town became ?the place of many cures and new healing spot". Out of these relics, only the foot of St. Luke was preserved in a very good condition and it remained in the possession of the Serbian Orthodox Church. In old documents written in old Greek and clerical-slavic language, St. Luke is glorified as ?reliable doctor both for soul and body..." St. Luke is respected as a protector of medicine and pharmacy, doctors and pharmacists, and patients, as well as many families (family patron of the Serbs), even of the whole regions. Many chemist's shops and hospitals are named by this Saint, what is the confirmation that his cult and recognition of his personality and his work are still present in our milieu. This article has been retracted. Link to the retraction 10.2298/SARH1010674U Vecina skolovanih lekara koji su ziveli u ranohriscanskom periodu, od prvog do cetvrtog veka nove ere, a koji su proglaseni za svece, poznati su do danas i u narodu i u naucno-medicinskim krugovima kao Sveti vraci. Pod pojmom Sveti vraci podrazumevaju ce iskljucivo skolovani medicinski strucnjaci. U narodu su od Svetih vraca osobito postovani sv. Kozma i Damjan, sv. Pantelejmon i sv. Luka. Sv. Luka (prvi vek n. e.) uziva izuzetan ugled u srpskom narodu. Njegove mosti su 1453. godine donete u Smederevo, koje je tada postalo?mesto mnogih izlecenja i nova lekovita banja". Od ovih svetih mostiju je, u svojini Srpske pravoslavne crkve, ostalo izuzetno dobro ocuvano stopalo svetog Luke u manastiru Kosijerevo. U spisima pisanim na starogrckom i crkveno slovenskom jeziku sv. Luka ce velica kao?pouzdani lekar i duse i tela". Sv. Luka ce postuje kao zastitnik medicine i farmacije, bolnica i apoteka, lekara, farmaceuta i bolesnika, mnogih porodica (krsna slava kod Srba), pa i citavih oblasti. Mnoge apoteke i bolnice nose ime po njemu, sto je dokaz da su njegov kult i postovanje njegove licnosti i njegovog rada i dan-danas u velikoj meri prisutni na ovim prostorima.
Mitrovic, Z., Markovic, L., & Nenadovic, M. (2004). St. Luke and his cult as holy healer of the Serbs. Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo, 132(9–10), 364–368.
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