La que se avecina (LQSA) is one the longest running show of Spanish television since it premiered on April 22, 2007 on the Telecinco network. A show that has had a high audience rate throughout all seasons. This audience includes kids and youngsters mainly, despite the homophobic, racist and, fundamentally, sexist jokes and comments, which still see women as a sexed object. We wanted to compare the nature of these sexist comments about women and their relationship with the description made by the philosopher Simone de Beauvoir in 1949, in The Second Sex. A work that laid the foundations of feminist thought, detailing the stereotypes used to denigrate women. We want to find out if these stereotypes are still present in successful audio-visual products.
Bandrés Goldáraz, E. (2019). Survival in the TV series “La que se avecina” of the stereotypes against women denounced by Simone de Beauvoir. Doxa Comunicacion, 2019(29), 75–95.
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