Deficits in self-beliefs lower entrepreneurial activity in the broader South African context. A brief theoretical analysis preceded establishing the psychometric evaluations of the entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) and general selfefficacy (GSE) measures. Participants representing different major ethnic groups in SA were sampled. Results indicate that the GSE scale remains a single factor solution thereby confirming the unidimensionality and reliability of this measure. The different ESE sub-domains provide a far more fine-grained approach to understanding self-efficacy. ANOVA determined significant differences in self-efficacy scores between the different groups. Apart from introducing the ESE construct to the SA literature, it is the first time that a study has united the general and specific measures of self-efficacy as well as measuring both the magnitude and strength dimensions of self-efficacy beliefs. Opsomming Tekortkominge in selfgeloofwaardigheid doen afbreuk aan entrepreneuriese aktiwiteite in die breër Suid Afrikaanse konteks. ’n Samevattende teoretiese analise het die vasstelling van strukturele ekwivalensie van die entrepreneuriese ESE en GSE skale voorafgegaan. ’n Steekproef van MBA respondente, verteenwoordigend van die hoof etniese groepe binne SA, is vir die studie gebruik. Bevindinge dui daarop dat die GSE skaal ’n enkel faktor oplossing is bevestigend van die enkel dimensionaliteit en betroubaarheid van hierdie maatstaf. ANOVA dui daarop dat merkbare verskille bestaan tussen die ESE tellings van die verskillende groeperinge. Benewens die bekendstelling van die ESE konsep, aan die SA literatuur, verenig hierdie studie vir die eerste keer die breë en spesifieke maatstawwe van selfgeloofwaardigheid, en meet dit ook die grote en sterkte van hierdie verandelikes.
Urban, B. (2006). Entrepreneurial self-efficacy in a multicultural society: Measures and ethnic differences. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 32(1).
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