The Factors that Influence the Development of Slums in Tallo, Makassar

  • et al.
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Tallo Urban Village which is one of the villages in Tallo District with a high population density, Tallo Urban Village has conditions that are categorized as slums on water based on Makassar Mayor Decree No.050.05 / 1341 / KEP / IX / 2014. There are 6 Subdistricts in Makassar City that are designated as slums especially Tallo Urban Village so that the problem in this study can be formulated regarding various factors that led to the development of slums in Tallo Urban District of Makassar. The purpose of this study is to identify the cause of the development of slums in Tallo Urban Village, Makassar City. In this study, the slums are characterized by physical areas (building management, water supply, wastewater management, drainage facilities, and environmental roads), non-physical areas (ownership of land rights, population density). The research variables we use in this study are Slums; Population density; Width of the Road Environment; Drainage Conditions; Waste Water Management; Clean water supply; Building Layout; and Building Status. In this study, the data collection techniques used were Multi-Stage Sampling, namely: area sampling technique; proportional sampling technique; and simple random sampling. The analytical approach used in this research is to use a quantitative approach, using the Chi-Square method. The results of this study found that the cause of the development of slums in the Tallo District of Makassar City was population growth that continued to increase each year. This shows that the allotment of land functions in Tallo Kelurahan, besides functioning as a settlement function, many also function as warehousing, so that Tallo Kelurahan is classified as moderate density, with population growth increasing every year.




Latief*, R., Umar, R., & Mandra, Moh. A. S. (2019). The Factors that Influence the Development of Slums in Tallo, Makassar. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(2), 1917–1921.

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