The experience and insight of survivors who have engaged in a restorative justice meeting with their assailant

  • Wager N
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This review study explores the experiences of survivors of sexual violence who engaged in a restorative justice (RJ) meeting with their assailant to ascertain whether the process contributes to, or further compounds, their recovery. This paper forms a small part of a more extensive scoping review employing Arksey and O?Malley?s (2002) framework. The search was confined to articles/reports published in English. Initially, 58 sources were identified as suitable for inclusion and each of these sources were then scrutinised to identify accounts of survivors of sexual violence who have taken part in RJ initiatives that have involved a face-to-face meeting with the assailant. This revealed 10 applicable cases, from across four different countries. The findings suggest that under certain circumstances survivors of sexual violence might receive significant benefit from participating in RJ. The specific conditions under which the benefits appear to be forthcoming and areas for future research are discussed.Ovaj pregledni rad istrazuje iskustva prezivelih zrtava seksualnog nasilja koje su se ukljucile u restorativne sastanke sa svojim napadacima kako bi se utvrdilo da li je taj proces doprineo ili pogorsao njihov oporavak. Ovaj rad cini samo mali deo znatno sireg pregleda koji se sluzio Arksejov i O?Malijev okvirom (2002). Analiza je ogranicena na clanke / izvestaje objavljene na engleskom jeziku. Na pocetku, 58 izvora je bilo identifikovano kao pogodno za ukljucenje u analizu i svaki od ovih izvora je bio pazljivo ispitan kako bi se identifikovala iskustva onih koji su preziveli seksualno zlostavljanje i uzeli ucesce u restorativnoj inicijativi koja je podrazumevala sastanak licem u lice sa napadacem. Tako je otkriveno deset slucajeva iz cetiri razlicite zemlje. Rezultati ukazuju da pod odredjenim okolnostima prezivele zrtve seksualnog nasilja mogu dobiti znacajnu socijalnu pomoc kroz ucestvovanje u restorativnim sastancima. Prodiskutovani su specificni uslovi u kojima je doslo do pozitivnih ishoda, kao i oblasti za buduca istrazivanja.




Wager, N. (2013). The experience and insight of survivors who have engaged in a restorative justice meeting with their assailant. Temida, 16(1), 11–32.

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