Lower body weight and BMI at birth were associated with early adiposity rebound in 21-Hydroxylase Deiciency patients

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21-hydroxylase deiciency (21-OHD) is the most common type of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. In addition to the clinical problems caused by adrenal insuficiency and androgen excess, a risk for obesity and metabolic syndrome during young adulthood is a major ramiication of the disease. Although glucocorticoid therapy is very likely to be one of the contributory factors, the precise causes of the metabolic status of adult 21-OHD patients remain to be clariied. Previously we reported that 21-OHD patients developed early onset AR, a condition which might create a risk for obesity and metabolic syndrome in adulthood. In order to elucidate the association between the onset of AR and factors during the fetal period to early infancy, we conducted a retrospective longitudinal analysis of 29 21-OHD patients (male: 14 cases, female: 15 cases, salt wasting type: 16, simple virilizing type: 13), who were identiied by newborn screening and followed up at least until the age 10 years. Body size at birth, lower body weight, and lower BMI were found to precipitate the timing of AR. On the other hand, no signiicant association was observed between the timing of AR and sex, gestational age, treatment regimen (including cumulative dose of HDC), and disease severity (the type of the disease, the value of DHEA-S and 17-OHP). There are two points to consider: irst, in 21-OHD patients treated with glucocorticoid substitution therapy, the risk for early AR cannot be reduced by adjusting the dose of glucocorticoid; second, fetal factors might affect the metabolic status of 21-OHD patients.




Takishima, S., Nakajima, K., Nomura, R., Tsuji-Hosokawa, A., Matsuda, N., Matsubara, Y., … Kashimada, K. (2016). Lower body weight and BMI at birth were associated with early adiposity rebound in 21-Hydroxylase Deiciency patients. Endocrine Journal, 63(11), 983–990. https://doi.org/10.1507/endocrj.EJ16-0194

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