Competencia digital en la auditoría. Soporte o carga en el ejercicio profesional de los auditores

  • Gómez-Meneses F
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Information and communication technologies (ICT) are currently a priceless tool in the development of each and every single activity performed by people and companies. Public accounting, as a profession, has not been a stranger to this influence: from the use of the simplest accounting and auditing applications in small companies, to the most complex Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems for management and reviewing of accounting and financial information of large companies. Taking this context into account, in this work the technological competence level of a sample of auditors, in the course of their duties, in the city of Bucaramanga, is characterized, to analyze whether ICT's are a support or a burden in their professional development. Unfortunately, the results found in the course of the research are negative, regarding the technological level of the auditors, contrasting the technological horizon of the companies where these professionals work. (English) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]




Gómez-Meneses, F. E. (2014). Competencia digital en la auditoría. Soporte o carga en el ejercicio profesional de los auditores. Cuadernos de Contabilidad, 15(37).

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