As one of the most important techniques in IoT, NFC (Near Field Communication) is more interested than ever. NFC is a short-range, high-frequency communication technology well suited for electronic tickets, micro-payment and access control function, which is widely used in the financial industry, traffic transport, road ban control and other fields. However, NFC is becoming increasingly popular in the relevant field, but its secure problems, such as man-in-the-middle-attack, brute force attack and so on, have hindered its further development. To address the security problems and specific application scenarios, we propose a NFC mobile electronic ticket secure payment and verification scheme in the paper. The proposed scheme uses a CS E-Ticket and offline session key generation and distribution technology to prevent major attacks and increase the security of NFC. As a result, the proposed scheme can not only be a good alternative to mobile e-ticket system but also be used in many NFC fields. Furthermore, compared with other existing schemes, the proposed scheme provides a higher security.
Fan, K., Song, P., Du, Z., Zhu, H., Li, H., Yang, Y., … Yang, C. (2016). NFC secure payment and verification scheme for mobile payment. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 9798 LNCS, pp. 116–125). Springer Verlag.
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