Instruction set extensions (ISEs) improve the performance and energy consumption of application-specific processors. ISEs can use architecturally visible storage (AVS), localized compiler-controlled memories, to provide higher I/O bandwidth than reading data from the processor pipeline. AVS creates coherence and consistence problems with the data cache. Although a hardware coherence protocol could solve the problem, this approach is costly for a single-processor system. As a low-cost alternative, we introduce Virtual Ways, which ensures coherence through a reduced form of inclusion between the data cache and AVS. VirtualWays achieve higher performance and lower energy consumption than using a hardware coherence protocol. © 2014 ACM.
Kluter, T., Burri, S., Brisk, P., Charbon, E., & Ienne, P. (2014). Virtual ways: Low-cost coherence for instruction set extensions with architecturally visible storage. Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 11(2).
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