Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the choice of material for physical education and health based on the curriculum in lower grades by physical education and health (Sport Education) teacher. In this study using a quantitative descriptive method with the research subject of 22 lower grade physical education and health (Sport Education) teacher at the elementary level in Bululawang District. The data collection used is a non-test instrument in the form of questionnaires and interviews. The research data is converted intopercentage form. From the result of data analysis, it was found that the choice of learning materials for elementary school physical education and health (Sport Education) teacher in Bululawang District was to get a percentageof 50 percent, grade 2 got a percentage of 45 percent, grade 3 got a percetageof 48 percent. It was concluded that the lower grade physical education and health (Sport Education) teacher in Bululawang District had selected, implemented and presented material to student in order to achieve the curriculum and the selection of physical education and health (Sport Education) teacher materials in Elementary Schools in Bululawang District had reached the minimum standards set out in the teacher and student book. The following factors influence the choice of corner teacher material, namely infrastructure and teacher competence. Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pilihan materi pendidikan jasmani dan kesehatan berdasarkan kurikulum di kelas bawah oleh guru pendidikan jasmani kesehatan dan olahraga. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan subjek penelitian 22 guru pendidikan jasmani kesehatan dan olahraga kelas bawah di Sekolah Dasar Se-Kecamatan Bululawang. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah instrumen non tes berupa angket dan wawancara. Data hasil penelitian diubah menjadi bentuk persentase. Dari hasil analisis data, diperoleh hasil bahwa pilihan materi pembelajaran guru pendidikan jasmani, kesehatan dan olahraga SD di Kecamatan Bululawang untuk kelas 1 mendapatkan persentase 50 persen, kelas 2 mendapatkan persentase 45 persen, kelas 3 mendapatkan persentase 48 persen. Disimpulkan bahwa guru pendidikan jasmani kesehatan dan olahraga kelas bawah Se- Kecamatan Bululawang sudah memilih, melaksanakan dan menyajikan materi kepada siswa guna mencapai kurikulum dan pemilihan materi pendidikan jasmani kesehatan dan olahraga di Sekolah Dasar Se- Kecamatan Bululawang sudah mencapai standar minimal yang ditetapkan di buku guru dan buku siswa. Berikut faktor yang mempengaruhi pilihan materi guru pjok yaitu sarana prasarana dan kompetensi guru.
Kusumastuti, N. A., Wiguno, L. T. H., Yudasmoro, D. S., & Fitiady, G. (2023). Survei Guru PJOK Terhadap Pilihan Materi Berdasarkan Kompetensi Dasar Motorik di Sekolah Dasar Kelas Bawah Se-Kecamatan Bululawang. Sport Science and Health, 5(3), 330–344. https://doi.org/10.17977/um062v5i32023p330-344
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