Short-time ten ~ i1e t es ts were made at temperatures r a nging from 75 0 to 1,700° F on hyo 70-perce nt-ni ckel-30-perce nt-copper alloys. The experimen tal ev idence showed that cli~continuou s fi ow occurred in specimens of both a lloys frac t ured in te nsion a t te mperat ures r a nging from 300 0 to 1700 F. This phenome no n was a t tribu ted t o strain-aging a t the lo\\"er temperatures a nd to recrystall ization a ccompanied by grain growt h a t t he highe r te mpera tu res . Va ria tio ns in chemi cal composition of t he two a lloys also affected t he d egree of ~ t r ain-ag in g, strengt h ancl ductil it,' propert ies, and f ract ure characterist ics .
Jenkins, W. D., Digges, T. G., & Johnson, C. R. (1955). Effect of temperature on the tensile properties of a commercial and a high-purity 70-percent-nickel-30-percent-copper alloy. Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, 54(1), 21.
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