Leachate is the result of degradation of filter, especially in location where the final management (TPA) can seep into the soil to contaminate groundwater sources. This research has been conducted geoelectric resistivity measurement to identify the presence of leachate seepage and spread around the landfill. Research conducted around TPA Muara Fajar Pekanbaru using Dipole-Dipole configuration on two tracks with a track length of 133 meters and 100 meters. The measurement data is then inverted using Res2Dinv software to produce a 2D resistivity profile. The analysis results show on line 1 there is leachate distribution at a depth of 8.86 meters, whereas on line 2 there is no leachate distribution. In addition, the leachate sample test results using the geochemical method showed that the leachate at TPA Muara Fajar Pekanbaru did not meet the leachate quality standard. The results of the sample test for the quality of well water from residents around the TPA are still in accordance with the quality of clean water, because leachate seepage has not reached the residential area.
Hutagalung, A. R. M., & Malik, U. (2021). APLIKASI METODE GEOLISTRIK DIPOLE-DIPOLE DAN GEOKIMIA DALAM PENENTUAN REMBESAN LINDI PADA LAPISAN TANAH DI SEKITAR TPA MUARA FAJAR PEKANBARU. Komunikasi Fisika Indonesia, 18(2), 159. https://doi.org/10.31258/jkfi.18.2.159-166
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