Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui seberapa jauh pengembangan kreativitas keterampilan proses sains dalam aspek kehidupan organisme melalui IPA di SD di DIY. Pengumpulan data melalui survei dengan teknik sampel gugus setelah ditetapkan Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) Dinas Pendidikan yang mewakili wilayah perkotaan dan pinggiran. Hasil survei terhadap 400 guru kelas IV dan V serta 1200 grup peserta didik dari 10 UPT di lima kabupaten/kota di DIY menunjukkan hampir semua guru menyatakan pentingnya pembelajaran untuk mengembangkan kreativitas keterampilan proses sains dalam aspek kehidupan kepada peserta didik. Mereka hampir tidak pernah atau jarang membelajarkannya tanpa disertai pemberian contoh. Umumnya mereka sering melakukannya dengan disertai pemberian contoh. Tidak ada guru yang melaporkan pernah mengikuti diklat pengembangan kreativitas. Kata Kunci: kreativitas, keterampilan proses sains, pembelajaran, aktivitas kehidupan DEVELOPING CREATIVITY OF THE SCIENCE PROCESS SKILL IN THE ORGANISM LIFE ASPECT IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCIENCE Abstract: This research is aimed to know how far the development of creativity of science process skills in the life aspect through the science subject in elementary schools in DIY. The data were collected through a survey by employing a group sampling technique after the areas had been determined by the Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) of the education office which represented the city and suburb areas. The results of the survey which involved 400 elementary school teachers of grades IV and V as well as 1200 students from 10 UPT of 5 different regencies/municipalities in DIY show that almost all teachers stated the importance of developing creativity of the science process skill in the life aspect for the students. They hardly ever or seldom taught without giving examples. They often taught by giving examples. There was no teacher who stated that they had ever joined a training to develop the students’ creativity. Keywords: creativity, science process skill, learning activity, the life aspect
Subali, B., & Mariyam, S. (2013). PENGEMBANGAN KREATIVITAS KETERAMPILAN PROSES SAINS DALAM ASPEK KEHIDUPAN ORGANISME PADA MATA PELAJARAN IPA SD. Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan, 3(3). https://doi.org/10.21831/cp.v3i3.1625
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