Solar-powered energy system is one of the few substitutes that are available to be adequate to the increased future energy call. Among the various sustainable power sources, hydrogen as a combustible fuel appears to be a promising candidate for electricity generation and automotive applications. For entire energy system, hydrogen could be utilized as a fuel by replacing traditional systems, if it can be produced in sustainable and economical fashion. Use of solar energy for hydrogenation through photolysis of water is an easier, cheaper and sustainable way to produce hydrogen. This chapter is mainly focused on various metal oxide nanomaterials used for photolysis of water. Although this efficient process produces hydrogen, it is not possible to produce it in a large scale due to recombination of photogenerated charge carriers. To overcome this, various designs of photocatalytic reactors have been investigated such as Z-scheme and H-type reactors. In this chapter, we have also emphasized on different modifications that can be performed during synthesis process, such as loading of different metal ions and effect of dye sensitization on solar power stimulated water splitting action. Further discussion has been done about different operating variables and future challenges affecting water splitting focusing on recent progress of research in this field.
Nahak, B. K., Pradhan, L. K., Subudhi, T. S. K., Panigrahi, A., Patra, B. N., Mahato, S. S., & Mahata, S. (2022). Metal Oxide Nanostructured Materials for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation. In Nanotechnology in the Life Sciences (pp. 665–708). Springer Science and Business Media B.V.
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