ABSTRAKPerkembangan aktivitas industri terutama sektor IKM selain memberikan sumbangan terhadap perkembangan ekonomi, juga memberikan dampak terhadap perubahan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun rekomendasi pengelolaan lingkungan yang bisa diterapkan pada industri garam konsumsi beryodium dengan menggunakan pendekatan 1E4R (Elimination, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recovery) serta penerapan good house keeping (GHK). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Metode kualitatif dengan observasi partisipatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui pengukuran, wawancara, observasi serta kajian literatur. Berdasarkan penelitian Keluaran Bukan Produk yang ditimbulkan dari proses produksi garam beryodium antara lain: ceceran garam, garam pecah, garam gosong, blothong sisa proses pencucian, air sisa proses pencucian, emisi udara, ceceran oli dari mesin diesel dan kebisingan. Hasil pengujian limbah cair menunjukkan parameter TSS dan TDS sudah melampau Baku Mutu yang dipersyaratkan. Penerapan 1E4R dalam pengelolaan lingkungan pada IKM garam antara lain; penggantian mesin diesel dengan motor listrik; reuse cairan pencuci garam bahan baku; recycle blotong dan air sisa pencucian dengan metode rekristalisasi menjadi garam beryodium serta recovery sisa garam di sekitar mesin produksi. Good house keeping yang bisa diterapkan antara lain: mengontrol penerapan SOP, pelaksanaan material handling yang baik dengan penggunaan ember plastik, mempercepat proses pembongkaran garam briket setelah proses pengovenan serta penerapan prinsip FIFO serta pemakain Alat Pelindung Diri yang sesuai.Kata kunci: Industri Garam Beryodium, Keluaran Bukan Produk, Pengelolaan Lingkungan, Good House Keeping ABSTRACTThe development of the SME sector, especially industrial activity in addition to contributing to the economic development, has an impact on environmental change. This study aims to develop recommendations environmental management can be applied to industrial consumption of iodized salt by using an approach 1E4R (Elimination, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recovery) as well as the implementation of good house keeping (GHK). The method used in this study is a qualitative method of participant observation. Data collection through measurement, interviews, observation and review of the literature. Based on the research output Not Products arising from the process of production of iodized salt among others: spilled salt, salt broken, scorched salt, blothong rest of the washing process, washing process waste water, air emissions, oil spills of diesel engines and noise. The test results show the parameters effluent TSS and TDS is already beyond the required Quality Standard. Implementation 1E4R in environmental management in SMEs salt, among others; replacement of diesel engine with an electric motor; reuse of raw materials washing liquid salt; blotong and recycle residual water washing method of iodized salt and recrystallized into recovery residual salt around the production machine. Good house keeping can be applied, among others: control the application of SOP, material handling good execution with the use of plastic buckets, accelerate the process of dismantling the salt briquettes after oven processes and the application of the FIFO principle as well as the usage of appropriate personal protective equipment.Keywords: Iodized salt industry, Exodus Not Products, Environmental Management, Good House KeepingCara sitasi: Nugroho, M.S.E., Purwanto, dan Suherman. (2016). Pengelolaan Lingkungan pada IKM Garam Konsumsi Beryodium di Kabupaten Rembang. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan,14(2),88-95, doi:10.14710/jil.14.2.88-95
Nugroho, M. S. E., Purwanto, P., & Suherman, S. (2016). Pengelolaan Lingkungan pada IKM Garam Konsumsi Beryodium di Kabupaten Rembang. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan, 14(2), 88. https://doi.org/10.14710/jil.14.2.88-95
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