The cardiometabolic risk describes the probabilities of a person to suffer a heart or blood vessels damages. Hence the relevance of determining this type of risk in the students of the Nutrition and Dietetics career of the Technical University of Babahoyo. For this purpose, indicators such as waist circumference, waist/height formula, sex, body mass index, waist-height index ICE, physical activity and inductive-deductive method were measured in a population of 100 students. It was found that the predominant nutritional status in female students is overweight and obesity. This indicates that 29% of female students have an increased cardiovascular risk. With regard to cardiometabolic risk, it was determined that female students had a rate of 36%, compared with male students with 11%. Keywords: cardiometabolic risk factors, overweight, obesity. References [1]Organización Mundial de la Salud, « Non communicable diseases,» 2018. [Online]. Available: [Last access: August 25, 2021]. [2]J. Maldonado, C. Carranza, M. Ortiz, C. Gómez and N.Cortés, «Prevalencia de factores de riesgo caardiometabólico en estudiantes de la Universidad de la región centroocidental en la Universidad Michoacana San Nicolás de Hidalgo. México,» SCIELO, vol. 24, nº 2, pp. 78-86, 2013. [3]M. Morales, «Influence of phisical activity and nutritional habits on the risk of metabolic syndrome,» SCIELO, vol. 6, 2016. [4]G. Morales, T. Castillo, S. Muñoz, C. Belma, A. Soto, I. Schifferli and F. Guillén, «Asociación entre factores de riesgo cardiometabólicos, actividad física y sedentarismo, » Nutrición Hospitalaria, vol. 34, nº 6, pp. 1345-1352, 2017. [5]Organización Mundial de la Salud, «Obesidad y sobrepeso,» 2021. [Online]. Available: [Last access: August 29, 2021]. [6]G. Bray, G. Fruhbeck, D. Ryan and J. Wilding, «Management of obesity,» Lancet, vol. 387, nº 7, pp. 1847-1956, 2016. [7]A. Caicedo Paliz, A. León Fierro and K. Zambrano Llaguno, Protocolo de diagnóstico y manejo multidisciplinario de pacientes con sobrepeso y obesidad en la consulta ambulatoria, Quito: Universidad San Francisco de Quito, 2021. [8]INEC, «Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición (ENSANUT),» INEC, Quito, 2018. [9]N. Britto Núñez and R. Alcázar Carett, «Obesidad y riesgo cardiometabólico. Revisión.,» CIMEL, vol. 16, nº 2, pp. 106-113, 2011. [10]J. Vandervelde, H. Savelberg, N. Schaper and A. Koster, «Moderate activity and fitness not sedentary time are independently associated with cardiometabolic risks in US adults aged 18-49,» Environ Resident Public Health, vol. 12, pp. 2330-2343, 2015. [11]V. Carson and I. Janssen, «Volume, patterns and types of sedentary behavior and cardiometabolic health children and adolescents: a cross sectional study,» BMC Public Health, vol. 186, pp. 186-195, 2011. [12] T. Rendo Urteaga, A. De Moraes, T. Callesse y T. Marrios, «The combined effect of physical activity and sedentary behaviors on a clustered cardiometabolic risks score. The Helena Study,» Internal Cardiology, vol. 186, pp. 186-195, 2015. [13]R. Monroy Torres, C. Aguiklera Juarez and J. Nares, «Riesgo cardiometabólico en adolescentes con y sin obesidad: variables metabólicas, nutricionales y consumo de refresco,» revista Mexicana de trastornos Alimentarios, vol. 9, nº 1, pp. 24-33, 2018. [14]OMS, «estrategia Mundial sobre el régimen alimentario, actividad física y salud,» 2017. [Online]. Available:[Last access: August 30, 2021]. [15]A. Alvarado Sánchez, A. González Yebra and M. Macías, «Correlaciones de factores de riesgo cardiometabólicio e hipoactividad con indice corporal y circunferencia de cintura en trabajadores del sector cuero y calzado de la ciudad de León,» Jóvenes en la ciencia, vol. 3, nº 2, pp. 1-5, 2017. [16]SEEDO, «Consenso SEEDO para la evaluación del sobrepeso y la obesidad. Revista Española de Obesidad, » 2007. [Online]. Available: pdf. [Last access: August 21, 2021].
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Gonzalez Garcia, W. A., Prado Matamoros, A. M., Velasquez Paccha, K. G., & Suarez Camacho, F. C. (2021). Cardiometabolic risk in students of the nutrition and dietetics career. Universidad Ciencia y Tecnología, 25(111), 174–182.