Menstrual hygiene practices among adolescent girls

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The menstruation cycle plays a major role in every women’s life, with this periodic cycle she undergoes a lot of stress and strains due to her mental and physiological balancing issues, because of the hormone changes. By the time of menstruation, she seeks some comfort with her, for this the sanitary napkins ran a greater part by avoiding the leakages of blood contaminant in her cloths. Some of the pads having wings or flaps that fold over the sides of underwear to protect against from leaks and stains. Also in some rural areas the women’s not much aware of maintaining the menstruation hygiene, they are using some rectangular fabric and can be washed then reused. In the hygiene part of menstruation women are unaware of determining the whole imbalance activities of maintaining cleanliness.




Saranya, J., Prakash, C., & Kubera Sampath Kumar, S. (2019). Menstrual hygiene practices among adolescent girls. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 364–366.

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