Arethere goodreasons forbelieving thatthere is a God? I have argued elsewhere, and especially in my book Is There a God?, that the general character ofthe natural world (and in particular the fact that it is governed by laws ofnature whichlead to theevolution of human beings) makesit probablethatthere is a God. But why should we supposethat God(if there is a God) is the Christian God? I plan to answer that questionin this book and to show that,if there is aGod, then the main doctrines which the Christian Church teachesabout God, the doctrineswhichare special to Christianity and distinguish it from otherreligions which alsoclaim thatthere is a God, are very probably true. Since the most importantthing which Christians believe about Godis that, while remaining God, he acquired a human nature and lived on earthfor thirtyyears as a human being, Jesus Christ, I havecalled this book Was Jesus God?. This book can be read as a sequel to Is There a God? or independently ofit
Siniscalchi, G. B. (2010). Was Jesus God? Faith and Philosophy, 27(3), 352–355.
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