We report a discovery of low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillation at 0.3-0.7 Hz in the power spectra of the accreting black hole GRS 1739-278 in the hard-intermediate state during its 2014 outburst based on the NuSTAR and Swift/XRT data. The QPO frequency strongly evolved with the source flux during the NuSTAR observation. The source spectrum became softer with rising QPO frequency and simultaneous increasing of the power-law index and decreasing of the cut-off energy. In the power spectrum, a prominent harmonic is clearly seen together with the main QPO peak. The fluxes in the soft and the hard X-ray bands are coherent, however, the coherence drops for the energy bands separated by larger gaps. The phase lags are generally positive (hard) in the 0.1-3 Hz frequency range, and negative below 0.1 Hz. The accretion disc inner radius estimated with the relativistic reflection spectral model appears to be Rin < 7.3Rg. In the framework of the relativistic precession model, in order to satisfy the constraints from the observed QPO frequency and the accretion disc truncation radius, a massive black hole with MBH ≈ 100M⊙ is required.
Mereminskiy, I. A., Semena, A. N., Bykov, S. D., Filippova, E. V., Lutovinov, A. A., & Poutanen, J. (2019). Studying temporal variability of GRS 1739-278 during the 2014 outburst. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482(1), 1392–1405. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/sty2752
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