With the shift of the instruction from the traditional Face-to-face instruction to online, there is a need to develop a valid and reliable instrument that is responsive to the current demands of instruction. Hence, the objective of the study was to develop and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Faculty Evaluation for Online Teaching (FEOT) among University Students. A descriptive methodological study was used and a convenience sample of 2985 students were employed. The 20-item FEOT confirmed the four-factor loadings following the domains in the Denison Framework for Teaching. The factor loadings of the items were between 0.619 to 0.791 while the CFA model revealed a x2/df = 2.35, root mean square error of approximation= 0.071, comparative fit index= 0.962, goodness of fit index=0.957, Tucker-Lewis index= 0.956, incremental fit index= 0.962, and standard root mean square residual= 0.023. 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