ABSTRAK Pengkajian status kemampuan fungsional pasien stroke sangat penting dilakukan untuk memberikan intervensi sedini mungkin sehingga resiko kecacatan paska stroke dapat dihindari. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat gambaran kemampuan fungsional pasien stroke. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dimana pengukuran variabelnya dilakukan satu kali. Variabelnya yaitu umur, jenis kelamin, jenis stroke, admission time, penyakit penyerta, frekuensi serangan, sisi hemiparese dan kemampuan fungsional. Peneliti melakukan penilaian status fungsional pasien stroke menggunakan Bartel Index pada saat hari ke-2 pasien di rawat di rumah sakit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pasien stroke rata-rata berusia 54,5 tahun, jenis kelamin sebagian besar laki-laki 65.3%. Responden sebagian besar didiagnosis stroke iskemik sebanyak 69,2%, datang ke rumah sakit lebih dari 6 jam setelah serangan sebanyak 76,9%. Sebagian besar responden 82.7% memiliki penyakit penyerta dan sebagian besar datang ke rumah sakit dengan serangan stroke pertama kali yaitu sebanyak 78.8%. Sebagian besar responden mengalami hemiparese sisi sebelah kiri sebanyak 59.6%. Sebagian besar responden terkategori dalam ketergantungan sebagian yaitu sebanyak 71.15%. Saran penelitian ini adalah perlunya pengkajian mendalam tentang status fungsional pasien stroke sebagai upaya untuk mencegah ketergantungan total pasien paska stroke dan perlu penerapan intervensi yang tepat untuk mencegah terjadinya ketergatungan total. Kata kunci : stroke, kemampuan fungsional ABSTRACT An assessment of the status of functional abilities of stroke patients is very important for providing intervention as early as possible so that the risk of post-stroke disability can be avoided. This study aims to see an overview of the functional abilities of stroke patients. This type of research is analytical descriptive research with approach cross-sectional. The variables measured in this study were age, gender, type of stroke, admission time, comorbidities, a frequency of attacks, hemiparesis side, and functional ability. Researchers assessed the functional status of stroke patients by using Bartel Index on day 2 of patients in hospitalized. The results showed that stroke patients had an average age of 54.5 years with the majority of the sexes being men, which was 65.3%. The majority of respondents were diagnosed with ischemic stroke as much as 69.2% and came to the hospital more than 6 hours after the attack as much as 76.9%. Most of the respondents (82.7%) had comorbidities and most came to the hospital with the first stroke, which was 78.8%. Most of the respondents experienced hemiparesis on the left side as much as 59.6%. Most of the respondents are categorized as partially dependent, which is 71.15%. Suggestions from this study are the need for an in-depth study of the functional status of stroke patients in an effort to prevent total dependence on post-stroke patients and the need to implement appropriate interventions to prevent the occurrence of total dependence on stroke patients.
Cahyati, Y. (2018). GAMBARAN KEMAMPUAN FUNGSIONAL PASIEN STROKE DI RSUD DR. SOEKARDJO TASIKMALAYA. Media Informasi, 14(2), 162–170. https://doi.org/10.37160/bmi.v14i2.216
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