Most large tsunamis are generated by earthquakes on offshore plate boundary megathrusts. The primary factors influencing tsunami excitation are the seismic moment, faulting geometry, and depth of the faulting. Efforts to provide rapid tsunami warning have emphasized seismic and geodetic methods for quickly determining the event size and faulting geometry. It remains difficult to evaluate the updip extent of rupture, which has significant impact on tsunami excitation. Teleseismic P waves can constrain this issue; slip under deep water generates strong pwP water reverberations that persist as ringing Pcoda after the direct P phases from the faulting have arrived. Event-averaged Pcoda/P amplitude measures at large epicentral distances (>80°), tuned to the dominant periods of deep water pwP (~12–15 s), correlate well with independent models of whether slip extends to near the trench or not. Data at closer ranges (30° to 80°) reduce the time lag needed for inferring the updip extent of rupture to <15 min. Arrival of PP and PPP phases contaminates closer distance Pcoda measures, but this can be suppressed by azimuthal or distance binning of the measures. Narrowband spectral ratio measures and differential magnitude measures of Pcoda and direct P (mB) perform comparably to broader band root-mean-square (RMS) measures. Pcoda/P levels for large nonmegathrust events are also documented. Rapid measurement of Pcoda/P metrics after a large earthquake can supplement quick moment tensor determinations to enhance tsunami warnings; observation of large Pcoda levels indicates that shallow submarine rupture occurred and larger than typical tsunami (for given MW) can be expected.
Lay, T., Liu, C., & Kanamori, H. (2019). Enhancing Tsunami Warning Using P Wave Coda. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(10), 10583–10609.
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