Abstrak: Penelitian tindakan kelas ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan prestasi belajar, kualitas proses pembelajaran dan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap penerapan strategi Team-Based Learning. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia Bilingual FMIPA UM yang menempuh matakuliah Kimia Dasar I pada Tahun Akademik 2012/2013. Penelitian tindakan kelas dengan tiga siklus ini meliputi langkah-langkah perencanaan, implementasi tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Instrumen penelitian adalah tes prestasi belajar, catatan lapangan, pedoman observasi dan angket. Data dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah mengikuti perkuliahan: (1) prestasi belajar mahasiswa meningkat dan hampir 100% mahasiswa mencapai skor 70; (2) kualitas proses pembelajaran meningkat, semakin banyak kelompok dapat menyelesaikan tugas tepat waktu, interaksi antar mahasiswa dan kemampuan dalam presentasi berbahasa Inggris meningkat; (3) mahasiswa memiliki persepsi positif terhadap pembelajaran. Kata Kunci : team-based learning, prestasi belajar, proses belajar, persepsi, kimia dasar INPROVEMENT ON THE CHEMISTRY ACHIEVEMENT AND THE LEARNING PROCESS OF UNIVERSITY BILINGUAL STUDENTS THROUGH TEAM-BASED LEARNING STRATEGY Abstract: This classroom action research aims to describe students’ achievement, the quality of the learning process and students' perception on the implementation of the Team-Based Learning strategy. The subjects were bilingual students of the Chemistry Education Program of FMIPA UM who took a course of Basic Chemistry I in the academic year of 2012/2013. The three-cycle action research included the steps of planning, implementation of action, observation, and reflection. The research instruments were an achievement test, field notes, observation sheets and questionnaires. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results show that after the students attended the instruction: (1) their achievement increased and nearly 100% of the students achieved a score of 70; (2) the quality of the learning process improved, more and more groups could accomplish the assignments on time, the interaction among students and the ability to present in English also improved; (3) students had positive perception towards the strategy. Keywords: team-based learning, learning achievement, learning process, basic chemistry
Rahayu, S. (2013). PENINGKATAN PRESTASI DAN PROSES BELAJAR KIMIA DASAR MAHASISWA BILINGUAL MELALUI STRATEGI TEAM-BASED LEARNING. Jurnal Pendidikan Karakter, 4(3). https://doi.org/10.21831/jpk.v0i3.2727
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