Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan tiga hal. Pertama mengetahui perilaku bullying apa saja yang dialami siswa disabilitas. Kedua, mengetahui perlawanan siswa disabilitas korban bullying. Ketiga, mengetahui perasaan yang muncul pada siswa disabilitas korban perundungan SMKN 1 Probolinggo. Ruang lingkup penelitian ini dibatasi mengenai perundungan pada IS selaku siswa disabilitas lingkungan SMKN 1 Probolinggo. Jenis disabilitasnya tuna daksa. Ada pun metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian fenomenologi. Yakni membiarkan realitas berbicara sendiri dan merefleksikan perasaan subjek penelitian atas fenomena yang dialami. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan tiga hal; Pertama, subjek IS mengalami perundungan fisik, verbal, finansial, sosial, dan perundungan siber. Kedua, pelawanan subjek IS yang menjadi korban perundungan antara lain memaafkan, membalikkan perundungan verbal pada pelaku, tersenyum tulus, aktif kegiatan bersama komunitas, balas memukul, dan tidak membenci pelaku. Ketiga, perasaan yang dirasakan subjek IS antara lain; sakit hati, sabar, berani, dan mandiri. Temuan ini dapat menjadi salah satu referensi mengenal karakter peserta didik disabilitas yang mengalami perundungan. Abstract: This study was aimed to reveal three problems. The first aim was to reveal what kinds of bullying experienced by the handicapped students. The second aim was to reveal their resistance, And ,to reveal the feeling arise on the bullied handicapped-students. The settings of this study were limited on the IS as the bullied handicapped student of SMKN 1 Probolinggo. The subject of this study suffered from mobility and physical impairment. This was a phenomenological study Leaving the reality to show the phenomena and reflecting the subject’ feeling from the experienced phenomena. The result of this study reveal three things; firstly, The subject of this study (IS) experienced physical, verbal, financial, social, and cyber bullying. Secondly, what had been done by the subject (IS) as the resistance of the bullying were forgiving, countering the verbal bullying, smiling, active in the community activities, countering the physical bullying, and did not hate the actor of bullying. Thirdly, the feelings of the subject were: offended, patient,brave, and autonomous. The findings of this study could be a reference in understanding the handicapped students’ character who become the subject of bullying.
Roziqi, M. (2018). Perlawanan Siswa Disabilitas Korban Bullying: Sebuah Studi Fenomenologi. Jurnal Psikoedukasi Dan Konseling, 2(2), 23. https://doi.org/10.20961/jpk.v2i2.15438
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