Recent statistics from Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stats that about 1 in 68 or 1.5% of 8-year-old children were identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the United States. Initiatives with innovative and inclusive perspectives contribute to a better understanding of the disorder, in this perspective this work presents the proposal of an ergonomic and inclusive study for the creation of a graphical environment for an educational interactive application for children with ASD, in order to help them in the identification of facial expressions and the feeling that surrounds them, aiming the improvement in their social interaction with human being.
Leite, J., Maia, I., Ferreira, A., & Rosa, L. (2019). Graphic design of interactive tools for people with autistic spectrum disorders. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Vol. 776, pp. 356–361). Springer Verlag.
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