Pengembangan Instrumen Diagnostik Three Tier Test pada Materi Pecahan Kelas VII

  • Nabilah L
  • Ruslan R
  • Rusli R
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan instrumen diagnostik three tier test untuk materi pecahan kelas VII yang layak dan valid, mengetahui kelayakan instrumen tersebut berdasarkan validitas, reliabilitas, dan taraf kesukaran, serta mengungkap miskonsepsi yang dialami oleh peserta didik kelas VII pada materi bilangan pecahan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan. Subjek penelitian dari uji coba tes esai, tes pilihan ganda beralasan terbuka, hingga penerapan instrumen three tier test akan diuji pada peserta didik kelas VII. Prosedur penelitian dimulai dengan studi pendahuluan, perancangan draft  produk, hingga pengembangan produk dilanjutkan dengan analisis three tier test dari segi validitas, reliabilitas, dan tingkat kesukaran lalu analisis dan interpretasi miskonsepsi dari hasil three tier test. Hasil penelitian diperoleh (1) instrumen diagnostik three tier test yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi pada materi bilangan pecahan dikembangkan melalui tahapan studi pendahuluan, perancangan tes essay, perancangan tes pilihan ganda, hingga three tier test; (2) three tier test yang dikembangkan memenuhi kriteria valid, reliabel, dan dengan taraf kesukaran 6,7% mudah, 26,7% sedang, dan 66,6% sukar; (3) peserta didik mengalami miskonsepsi pada indikator menjelaskan definisi pecahan, membandingkan dan mengurutkan bilangan pecahan, dan menghitung operasi penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian, dan pembagian bilangan pecahan.Kata kunci: three tier test, miskonsepsi, instrumen, diagnostik. This study aims to produce a three tier diagnostic test instrument of fraction topic for grade VII that feasible and valid, determine the feasibility of the instrument based on validity, reliability, and degree of difficulty, and reveal the misconceptions experienced by class VII students on fraction topic. This type of research is research and development. Research subjects from essay test trials, open-reasoned multiple choice tests, until the application of the three tier test instruments will be tested on students of class VII. The research procedure starts with a preliminary study, drafting a product, until product development is continued with the analysis of three tier tests in terms of validity, reliability, and the level of difficulty and analysis and interpretation of misconceptions from the results of the three tier test. The results of the study were obtained (1) the three tier test diagnostic instruments used to identify misconceptions in fraction number material were developed through preliminary study stages, designing essay tests, designing multiple choice tests, up to three tier tests; (2) the three tier tests developed meet the criteria of valid, reliable, and with a difficulty level of 6.7% easy, 26.7% medium, and 66.6% difficult; (3) students experience misconceptions on indicators explaining fraction definitions, comparing fractions of numbers, and calculating addition, subtraction, multiplication, and fraction division operations.Keywords: three tier test, misconception, instrument, diagnostic




Nabilah, L. Y., Ruslan, R., & Rusli, R. (2020). Pengembangan Instrumen Diagnostik Three Tier Test pada Materi Pecahan Kelas VII. Issues in Mathematics Education (IMED), 3(2), 184.

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