The protection of intellectual property rights can be of a great importance for the development of a society. It can contribute to strengthening of the economy and improve the standard of living. The international community has established standards for the protection of intellectual property rights through relevant international documents, thus providing guidelines for the improvement of their international protection. The states which are leaders in innovation and creativity establish strong legal mechanisms that provide the protection of intellectual property rights. It is generally accepted that only the legal use of intellectual property can bring innovation and progress to a society. It is necessary for all sectors, including copyright owners, internet providers and advertising brokers, to cooperate with state prosecutors in order to find practical and efficient solutions for the protection of intellectual property rights. Types of intellectual property infringement are usually manifested through illegal production, smuggling and distribution of counterfeit products, through criminal offences involving money laundering as well as trademark, name and copyright infringement. Criminal investigations are thus focused on identifying, obstructing and disabling international criminal organizations which deal with criminal activities aimed at intellectual property infringement.Medjunarodna zajednica je kroz relevantne medjunarodne dokumente uspostavila standarde za zastitu prava intelektualne svojine. Zastita prava intelektualne svojine moze imati visestruki znacaj za razvoj jednog drustva, doprineti jacanju ekonomije i unapredjenju standarda zivota. Drzave koje su lideri inovaciji i kreativnosti utvrdjuju jake legalne mehanizme koji obezbedjuju zastitu prava intelektualne svojine. Veruje se da je neophodno za sve sektore, ukljucujuci i vlasnike sadrzaja, Internet provajdere, reklamne brokere, da saradjuju, zajedno sa drzavnim organima gonjenja kako bi se pronasla prakticna i efikasna resenja za zastitu prava intelektualne svojine. Pojavni oblici povrede prava intelektualne svojine iskazuju se kroz nelegalnu proizvodnju, krijumcarenje i distribuciju piratskih proizvoda, zatim kroz krivicna dela u vezi sa pranjem novca, kao i dela koja se odnose na krsenje zakona u pogledu zastitnog znaka, imena i autorskih prava. Krivicne istrage se stoga, posebno fokusiraju na identifikovanje, ometanje i onemogucavanje medjunarodnih kriminalnih organizacija koje se bave kriminalnim aktivnostima usmerenim na povredu prava intelektualne svojine.
Jankovic, D. (2013). International protection of intellectual property rights. Medjunarodni Problemi, 65(4), 509–536.
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