Value chain is a basic method and framework to understand enterprise behavior and guide competition conduct. In the B2B E-business, traditional value chain changes greatly under the influence of information technology. So, in the paper, B2B E-business's influence on traditional value chain was analyzed, and similarities and differences between physics value chain and virtual value chain are compared. The relationship of participate partners in the transfer process of virtual value chain was investigated using collaboration-deal model. At the base of that, the model of enterprise value network based on value chain integration and transfer process was established. Finally, IPR-PN model based on Petri network was established, which achieved the simulation of value chain transfer.
Ge, G. (2007). Analysis of the supply-demand value chain in the B2B E-business. In IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (Vol. 251 VOLUME 1, pp. 80–87). Springer New York LLC.
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