Impact of an Integrated Approach in Disaster Management

  • Njoku O
  • Amajuoyi B
  • Sarwar D
  • et al.
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In recent times, there have been several natural disasters, negatively affecting communities ranging from loss of lives, businesses, homes and economic disruption. Such serious effects on a community can be traced to poor disaster management arrangements. Several project management concepts as well as technologies have been researched and proven to improve disaster management. This article reviews existing literatures to make evident the concepts of project management such as project planning, execution, team collaboration and governance as well as technologies with a focus on the Internet of Things (IoT) through provision of early warning signs for mitigation and preparedness, big data analytics (BDA) for information gathering and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for emergency relief scenarios in disaster management. Findings of this article reveals the great impact and benefit of an integrated approach for effective disaster management. Hence, this paper recommends an integrated approach to disaster management from a project management and Internet of Things perspective.




Njoku, O. C., Amajuoyi, B. C., Sarwar, D., Arthur, J. K., & Hosseinian-Far, A. (2020). Impact of an Integrated Approach in Disaster Management. International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence, 10(2), 20–36.

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