Footstep Power Generation System

  • Swetha B
  • Prasanna L
  • Anjum N
  • et al.
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The production of electric power from the foot step movement of the peoples and the pressure exerted during walking which is fritter away, is the main theme of this paper. The mechanical power transformation into electrical power as the pressure exerted by the footstep and by using transducers is basically called as “Foot step power generation system”. Power is produced by the power generating floor and it is basically the production of electrical energy from kinetic energy. As today electricity demand is increasing and it is unable to overcome this global issue by using the traditional power generating sources. Demand and supply gap is the major issue of energy crisis. The main aim is to overcome the power crisis throughout the world although it is not enough to fulfill over excessive demand of electrical energy but it will be able to change and decrease reliance on old method of generating electricity. We can generate 1 megawatt of power if we have a 100 floor, as we are able to model a power production floor which can generate up to 1000 watt on just twelve footsteps means one unit and it is capable to generate 10000w power for just 120 footsteps. It can be installed on road side footpath, parks and jogging tracks and many other public place, airport etc. and have great impact of this and will create great difference in the electrical power generation system




Swetha, B., Prasanna, L., Anjum, N. T., & Chandra, R. (2020). Footstep Power Generation System. International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, 6(5), 100–104.

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