Examines why we throw away the trash we do today, using data compiled from the exploration of dumpsters, to better understand our modern society and culture. v. 1. Acid rain -- Adhesives -- Adorno, Theodor -- Aerosol spray -- Africa, North -- Africa, Sub-Saharan -- Air filters -- Alabama -- Alaska -- Alcohol consumption surveys -- Aluminum -- Anaerobic digestion -- Appliances, Kitchen -- Archaeological techniques, Modern Day -- Archaeology of garbage -- Archaeology of modern landfills -- Argentina -- Arizona -- Arizona Waste Characterization Study -- Arkansas -- Atomic Energy Commission -- Audio equipment -- Australia -- Automobiles -- Avoided cost -- Baby products -- Barges -- Beef shortage, 1973 -- Beijing, China -- Beverages -- Biodegradable -- Books -- Brazil -- Browning-Ferris Industries -- Bubonic Plague -- Buenos Aires, Argentina -- Cairo, Egypt -- California -- Campbell Soup Study (1930s) -- Canada -- Candy -- Capitalism -- Car washing -- Carbon Dioxide -- Celluloid -- Central America -- Certified products (Fair Trade or Organic) -- Children -- Chile -- China -- Clean Air Act -- Clean Water Act -- Cleaning products -- Cloaca Maxima -- Coal ash -- Colorado -- Commodification -- Composting -- Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (Cercla/Superfund) -- Computers and printers, Business Waste -- Computers and printers, Personal Waste -- Connecticut -- Construction and demolition waste -- Consumerism -- Consumption patterns -- Copper -- Cosmetics -- Crime and garbage -- Culture, values, and garbage -- Dairy products -- Dating of garbage deposition -- Definition of waste -- Delaware -- Delhi, India -- Developing countries -- Dhaka, Bangladesh -- Diet and nutrition surveys -- Disposable diapers -- Disposable plates and plastic implements -- District of Columbia -- Downcycling -- Dump digging -- Dumpster diving -- Earth Day -- East Asia (excluding China) -- Economics of consumption, International -- Economics of consumption, U.S. -- Economics of waste collection and disposal, International -- Economics of waste collection and disposal, U.S. -- Emissions -- Engine oil -- Environmental Defense Fund -- Environmental justice -- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) -- Environmental tobacco smoke -- Environmentalism -- European Union -- Externalities -- Farms -- Fast food packaging -- Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act -- First principle of waste -- Fish -- Floor and wall coverings -- Florida -- Fly-tipping -- Food consumption -- Food waste behavior -- France -- Freeganism -- Fresh kills landfill -- Fuel -- Funerals/corpses -- Furniture -- Fusion -- Garbage! the revolution starts at home -- Garbage, minimalism, and religion -- Garbage art -- Garbage dreams -- Garbage in modern thought -- Garbage project -- Garblogging -- Garbology -- Garden tools and appliances -- Gasoline -- Georgia -- Germ theory of disease -- Germany -- Gillette, King C. -- Gluttony -- Goodwill Industries -- Greece -- Greenpeace -- Grocery stores -- Hanford Nuclear Reservation -- Hawaii -- Hazardous Materials Transportation Act -- High-level waste disposal -- History of consumption and waste, Ancient World -- History of consumption and waste, Medieval World -- History of consumption and waste, Renaissance -- History of consumption and waste, U.S., Colonial Period -- History of consumption and waste, U.S., 1800-1850 -- History of consumption and waste, U.S., 1850-1900 -- History of consumption and waste, U.S., 1900-1950 -- History of consumption and waste, U.S., 1950-Present -- History of consumption and waste, World, 1500s -- History of consumption and waste, World, 1600s -- History of consumption and waste, World, 1700s -- History of consumption and waste, World, 1800s -- History of consumption and waste, World, 1900s -- Hoarding and hoarders -- Home appliances -- Home shopping -- Hospitals -- Household consumption patterns -- Household hazardous waste -- Human waste -- Idaho -- Illinois -- Incinerator construction trends -- Incinerator waste -- Incinerators -- Incinerators in Japan -- India -- Indiana -- Indonesia -- Industrial Revolution -- Industrial waste -- Insulation -- Iowa -- Iran -- Iron -- Italy -- Japan -- Junk mail -- Junkyard -- Kansas -- Karachi, Pakistan -- Kenilworth Dump -- Kentucky -- Kolkata, India -- Laidlaw, Inc. -- Landfills, Modern -- Lighting -- Linen and bedding -- Los Angeles -- Louisiana -- Love Canal -- Lynch, Kevin A. -- Magazines and newspapers -- Maine -- Malls -- Manila, Philippines -- Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act -- Marketing, consumer behavior, and garbage -- Maryland -- Massachusetts -- Material culture, History of -- Material culture today -- Materialist values -- Meat -- Medical waste -- Mega-haulers -- Methane -- Mexico -- Mexico City, Mexico -- Miasma theory of disease -- Michigan -- Microorganisms -- Middle East -- Midnight dumping -- Mineral waste -- Mining law -- Minnesota -- Mississippi -- Missouri -- Mobile phones -- Montana -- Mumbai, India. v. 2. National Clean Up and Paint Up Bureau -- National Survey of Community Solid Waste Practices -- Nebraska -- Needs and wants -- Netherlands -- Nevada -- New Hampshire -- New Jersey -- New Mexico -- New York -- New York City -- Nimby (Not in My Backyard) -- Noise -- Noise Control Act of 1972 -- North Carolina -- North Dakota -- Nuclear reactors -- Ocean disposal -- Ohio -- Oklahoma -- Open burning -- Open dump -- Oregon -- Organic waste -- Osaka, Japan -- Overconsumption -- Pacific Garbage Patch -- Packaging and product containers -- Paint -- Pakistan -- Paper and landfills -- Paper products -- Pennsylvania -- Personal products -- Pesticides -- Pets -- Philippines -- Poland -- Politics of waste -- Pollution, Air -- Pollution, Land -- Pollution, Water -- Population growth -- Post-consumer waste -- Power plants -- Pre-consumer waste -- Price-Anderson Act -- Producer responsibility -- Public health -- Public Health Service, U.S. -- Public water systems -- Race and garbage -- Radioactive waste disposal -- Radioactive waste generation -- Recyclable labels -- Recyclable products -- Recycled content -- Recycling -- Recycling behaviors -- Recycling in history -- Rendering -- Residential urban refuse -- Resource Conservation and Recovery Act -- Resource Recovery Act -- Restaurants -- Rhode Island -- Richard the Raker -- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil -- Rittenhouse Mill -- Rivers and Harbors Act -- Rubber -- Rubbish theory -- Ruckelshaus, William -- Russia -- Safe Drinking Water Act -- Salvation Army -- Sanitation engineering -- São Paulo, Brazil -- Saudi Arabia -- Scandinavia -- Scrubbers -- Seasonal products -- Seóul, South Korea -- September 11 Attacks (aftermath) -- Septic system -- Sewage -- Sewage collection system -- Sewage treatment -- Sewers -- Shanghai, China -- Shopping -- Shopping bags -- Sierra Club -- Singapore -- Slow food -- Sludge worms -- Slums -- Social sensibility -- Socialist societies -- Société BIC -- Sociology of waste -- Solid waste data analysis -- Solid Waste Disposal Act -- South Africa -- South America -- South Carolina -- South Dakota -- South Korea -- Space debris -- Spain and Portugal -- Sports -- Stadiums -- Steel -- Street scavenging and trash picking -- Street sweeping -- Styrofoam -- Sugar shortage, 1975 -- Supermarkets -- Surveys and information bias -- Sustainable development -- Sustainable waste management -- Swimming pools and spas -- Switzerland -- Television and DVD equipment -- Tennessee -- Texas -- Thailand -- Thallium -- Thompson, Michael -- Tianjin, China -- Tires -- Tokyo, Japan -- Tools -- Toxic Substances Control Act -- Toxic wastes -- Toys -- Transition movement -- Trash as history/memory -- Trash to cash -- Trashed -- Turkey -- Typology of waste -- Underconsumption -- United Kingdom -- United States -- Uranium -- Utah -- Ventilation and air-conditioning -- Vermont -- Virginia -- Waring, George -- Washington -- Waste as food -- Waste Disposal Authority -- Waste Management, Inc. -- Waste Reclamation Service -- Waste treatment plants -- Water consumption -- Water treatment -- Weather and waste -- West Virginia -- Wisconsin -- WMX Technologies -- Wood -- Worms -- Wyoming -- Yardwaste -- Zero waste.
Coder, M. (2013). Sources: Encyclopedia of Consumption and Waste: The Social Science of Garbage. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 52(3), 263–263. https://doi.org/10.5860/rusq.52.3.3347
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