Apigenin (4`,5,7-trihydroxyflavone) is a flavonoid of subclass flavones that have antidiabetic therapeutic activity but limitations BCS Class II low solubility of 2.16 μg/L. To overcome these limitations, the development of nanoemulsion formulation technology, increasing solubility increases dissolution, absorption and bioavailability. It is incorporated into the buccal film for easy application and direct access to the systemic circulation. This study aims to obtain apigenin nanoemulsion with the best characterization and buccal film that meets the characterization. The method was carried out experimentally in the manufacture of nanoemulsions by spontaneous emulsification, a buccal film by solvent casting, and the characterization. 10 nanoemulsion formulas met the characterization with globule size <20.34nm, polydispersity index <0.131, zeta potential close to 0mV, pH 6.23-6.59, %transmittance close to 100% and best F10 incorporated into buccal film has 29x the solubility compared to apigenin with p≤0.05. All buccal films met the characterization with F3 having a 2x faster onset of release than F1&F2 with 86.07% diffusion and 97.9333 mg/sheet. Thus, it was concluded that the formulation and characterization of buccal film fulfilled the characterization and F10 apigenin nanoemulsion increased the solubility 29-fold with the buccal film F3 having a faster onset of release. Abstrak Apigenin (4`,5,7-trihydroxyflavone) merupakan flavonoid subkelas flavon memiliki aktivitas terapeutik antidiabetes, namun memiliki keterbatasan termasuk BCS Kelas II kelarutan rendah 2,16 μg/L. Untuk mengatasi keterbatasan kelarutan, dilakukan pengembangan teknologi formulasi nanoemulsi, meningkatnya kelarutan dapat meningkatkan disolusi, penyerapan dan bioavailabilitas. Diinkoporasikan kedalam buccal film mempermudah pengaplikasian serta akses langsung ke sirkulasi sistemik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan nanoemulsi apigenin dengan karakterisasi terbaik serta diperoleh buccal film yang memenuhi karakterisasi. Metode dilakukan secara eksperimental pembuatan nanoemulsi dengan metode emulsifikasi spontan, buccal film dengan metode solvent casting, dan karakterisasinya. Diperoleh 10 formula nanoemulsi memenuhi karakterisasi dengan ukuran globul <20,34nm, indeks polidispersitas<0,131, potensial zeta mendekati 0mV, pH 6,23-6,59, %transmitan mendekati 100% dan terbaik F10 diinkoporasikan kedalam buccal film memiliki kelarutan 29x lipat dibanding apigenin dengan p≤0,05. Semua buccal film memenuhi karakterisasi dengan F3 memiliki onset waktu pelepasan lebih cepat 2x lipat dibandingkan F1 dan F2 dengan terdifusi 86,07% dan kadar 97,9333 mg/lembar. Sehingga, disimpulkan formulasi dan karakterisasi buccal film nanoemulsi apigenin memenuhi karakterisasi serta F10 nanoemulsi apigenin meningkatkan kelarutan 29x lipat dengan buccal film F3 memiliki onset pelepasan lebih cepat.
Firmansya, A., Setiawan, F., Nurdianti, L., & Yuliana, A. (2022). Formulation And Characterization Of Buccal Film Nanoemulsion Apigenin As Antidiabetic. Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, 1(1), 22. https://doi.org/10.24198/ijpst.v1i1.42829
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