ABSTRAK Dampak pandemi Covid-19 terasa di berbagai sektor baik ekonomi, sosial, pendidikan maupun kesehatan. Diantara sektor tersebut kesehatan sangatlah perlu diperhatikan mengingat kesehatan menjadi faktor utama manusia dalam menggerakkan aspek ekonomi maupun sosial. Oleh karena itu pemerintah melalui Kementerian Kesehatan maupun Gugus Penanganan Covid-19 telah berupaya keras menurunkan angka kasus Covid-19 di Indonesia melalui promosi kesehatan, kelengkapan fasilitas kesehatan dan edukasi penggunaan bahan alam sebagai penunjang imun tubuh. Guna mendukung hal tersebut tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat melaksanakan pengabdian dengan tema Pangan Fungsional Sebagai Alternatif Penunjang Imun di Masa Pandemi. Mengingat kesadaran pentingnya menjaga imun melalui konsumsi pangan fungsional belum tinggi di kalangan pesantren, maka tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat memberikan edukasi kepada santri Pondok Pesantren Al Munawwir Krapyak Yogyakarta pentingnya pangan fungsional dalam menunjang imun tubuh. Pengabdian ini dilakukan melalui tahapan kegiatan yaitu analisis situasi, koordinasi dengan pengurus pesantren, pelaksanaan sosialisasi melalui media zoom meeting, pendampingan dan evaluasi kegiatan. Berdasarkan evaluasi yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh hasil bahwa terjadi peningkatan pemahaman santri dan masyarakat tentang manfaat pangan fungsional sebagai alternatif penunjang imun. Selama kegiatan pengabdian berlangsung peserta aktif bertanya dan menggali pemahaman tentang pangan fungsional. Peserta berharap kegiatan ini dapat berkelanjutan. Kata kunci : pangan fungsional, penunjang imun, pandemi Covid-19 ABSTRACT The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is felt in various sectors, including economic, social, educational and health. Among these sectors, health really needs to be considered, considering that health is the main factor in driving economic and social aspects. Therefore, the government through the Ministry of Health and the Covid-19 Handling Group has worked hard to reduce the number of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia through health promotion, completeness of health facilities and education on the use of natural ingredients to support the body's immune system. To support this, the community service team carried out service with the theme Functional Foods as Alternative Immune Support in the Pandemic Period. Considering the awareness of the importance of maintaining immunity through the consumption of functional food is not yet high among Islamic boarding schools, the community service team provides education to students at the Al Munawwir Krapyak Islamic Boarding School in Yogyakarta on the importance of functional food in supporting the body's immune system. This service is carried out through stages of activities, namely situation analysis, coordination with pesantren administrators, implementation of socialization through zoom media, mentoring and evaluation of activities. Based on the evaluation that has been done, the results show that there is an increase in the understanding of students and the community about the benefits of functional food as an alternative to supporting immunity. During the service activity, the participants actively asked questions and explored understanding about functional food. Participants hope that this activity can be sustainable. Keywords: functional food, immune support, Covid-19 pandemic
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