This paper investigates the role of teaching literature for deeper learning. It draws on models of simulation, which have usually been more common in psychology, law, and political science. Teaching literature may be ideally suited for deeper learning since literary texts can be seen as experimental social action. Each text confronts its readers with ethical choices. This property of literature as a medium can in turn be transformed into new models for teaching literature. Ultimately, literary simulations can hence constitute a path towards civic education and social responsibility. Such approaches, in turn, may contribute not only to discussions of the “relevance” of the humanities as such, but also their role for interdisciplinary basic research.
Banerjee, M. (2020). Literature, simulation, and the path towards deeper learning. In Frontiers and Advances in Positive Learning in the Age of InformaTiOn (PLATO) (pp. 41–55). Springer International Publishing.
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