Abstract PT. Sinar Sosro is a beverage manufacturing company. One of the products of PT. Sinar Sosro, which is known and much sought after by the general public, is Teh Botol Sosro. The uncertain demand for Teh Botol Sosro causes the supply system to be uncontrolled, so that market demand is not met. To overcome this problem, the author uses the Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing method which aims to predict the need for raw materials for tea and sugar in order to meet production needs in the future, and to minimize raw material inventory costs, the Continuous Review System method is used. Based on the results of calculations using Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing, the demand for tea is 45,612.88 kg and sugar is 651,538.81 kg in one year of use. And based on the results of calculations using the continuous review system method, the total cost of tea supplies is Rp. 2,813,404,544 where kg and kg. And also obtained the total cost of sugar supplies Rp. 7,253,604,988 where kg and kg. So that the company can save about 6.35% and 4.44% of the total cost of supplying raw materials for tea and granulated sugar based on company policy. Keywords: Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing, Continuous Review System Abstrak PT. Sinar Sosro merupakan perusahaan manufaktur produksi minuman. Salah satu produk PT. Sinar Sosro yang dikenal dan banyak diminati oleh masyarakat umum adalah Teh Botol Sosro. Permintaan akan Teh Botol Sosro yang tidak pasti menyebabkan tidak terkendalinya sistem persediaan, sehingga permintaan pasar tidak terpenuhi. Untuk mengatasi problematika tersebut, penulis menggunakan metode Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing yang bertujuan untuk memprediksi kebutuhan bahan baku teh dan gula agar terpenuhinya kebutuhan produksi dimasa yang akan datang, dan untuk meminimumkan biaya persediaan bahan baku digunakan metode Continous Review System. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan menggunakan Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing diperoleh permintaan teh sebanyak 45.612,88 kg dan gula pasir sebanyak 651.538,81 kg dalam satu tahun pemakaian. Dan berdasarkan hasil perhitungan menggunakan metode continuous review system diperoleh total biaya persediaan teh Rp. 2.813.404.544 dimana kg dan kg. Dan diperoleh juga total biaya persediaan gula Rp. 7.253.604.988 dimana kg dan kg. Sehingga perusahaan dapat menghemat sekitar 6,35% dan 4,44% dari total biaya persediaan bahan baku teh dan gula pasir berdasarkan kebijakan perusahaan. Kata Kunci: Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing, Continuous Review System
Br Tarigan, J. L. (2023). Implementasi Model Persediaan Q Probabilistik Dalam Perencanaan Dan Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku Produksi Teh Botol Sosro. Sepren, 5(01), 08–18. https://doi.org/10.36655/sepren.v5i01.1228
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