The research subject of the paper is the center of Graz as a fusion of historical heritage and modern architecture, with its seven landmarks of modern architecture selected here in order to make a short review of this unusual mix. Although the historical center is well known as UNESCO protected district, that may not be damaged or destroyed, the avant-garde shops and bars found their place in the ancient center, complementing it. A contrast of new and the old is also present in the likeness of a fusion of historical heritage and contemporary architecture. This unusual combination made Graz a unique city which could serve as example for the future, how to make contemporary architecture in the middle of historical environment.U radu je dat prikaz centra Graza kao fuzija istorijskog nasledja i moderne arhitekture. Odabrano je sedam primera karakteristicnih obelezja moderne arhitekture u Gracu kako bi se prikazao neobican mix starog sa novim. Iako je istorijski center od velikog znacaja i pod zastitom UNESCO kao znacajna Evropska kulturna bastina, u cijem podrucju nije dozvoljeno rusiti i ponovo graditi, avant-gard prodavnice i moderni barovi su nasli svoje mesto u istorijskom centru, udopunjujuci ga. Takodje je prisutna i fuzija istorijskog nasledja i savremene arhitekture, kontrasti novog i starog. Ova neobicna kombinacija cini Grac jedinstvenim gradom koji moze posluziti kao primer u buducnosti kako ne unistiti nasledje prilikom izvodjenja savremenih arhitektonskih dela.
Arandjelovic, B. (2008). Historical heritage and contemporary architecture fusion at the example of the city center of Graz. Facta Universitatis - Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 6(1), 65–74.
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