An Effective Stratified K-Fold Algorithm with Logistic Regression for Drug Feedback Data

  • Swathi* D
  • et al.
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Drug reviews are commonly used in pharmaceutical industry to improve the medications given to patients. Generally, drug review contains details of drug name, usage, ratings and comments by the patients. However, these reviews are not clean, and there is a need to improve the cleanness of the review so that they can be benefited for both pharmacists and patients. To do this, we propose a new approach that includes different steps. First, we add extra parameters in the review data by applying VADER sentimental analysis to clean the review data. Then, we apply different machine learning algorithms, namely linear SVC, logistic regression, SVM, random forest, and Naive Bayes on the drug review specify dataset names. However, we found that the accuracy of these algorithms for these datasets is limited. To improve this, we apply stratified K-fold algorithm in combination with Logistic regression. With this approach, the accuracy is increased to 96%.




Swathi*, D. N., & U, Kumaran. (2020). An Effective Stratified K-Fold Algorithm with Logistic Regression for Drug Feedback Data. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(6), 1964–1968.

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