Pulse-controlled laser acupuncture involves the combination of laser acupuncture (LA) with low level laser therapy (LLLT). These are effective individual therapies, but when used together, there is a synergy which provides clinically effective therapy for many types of non-healing traumatic or surgical wounds. The author has successfully used laser therapy for the past 25 years to treat several hundred cases of non-healing and/or infected wounds, including wound infections populated by organisms resistant to multiple antibiotics. This paper describes the successful treatment of large non-healing wounds using laser acupuncture and low level laser therapy without additional surgical or medical interventions.
Petermann, U. (2015). Combination of Laser Acupuncture and Low Level Laser Therapy for Treatment of Non-healing and Infected Wounds. American Journal of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine. https://doi.org/10.59565/001c.118704
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