LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in English; abstract also in Chinese.Wheelchair fencing took root in Hong Kong in the early 1980s. Within a short span of 20 years, Hong Kong wheelchair athletes had worked themselves to world-class standards. In the Sydney 2000 Paralympics, the Hong Kong wheelchair-fencing team captured 4 gold, 2 silver, and 2 bronze medals. These were the best results ever achieved. In order to understand this phenomenon, perceptions of possible factors associated with this were explored. These factors include: Perceived Positive Outcomes, Organizational Support and Family Support.八十年代初開始,輪椅劍擊運動已於香港紮根發展起來。短短二十年間,香港輪椅劍擊運動員已攀升至國際級的水平。於2000年悉尼傷殘奧運會中,香港輪椅劍撃隊更創出史無前例之四金、二銀、二銅的佳績。為了解此現象,本文將探討各個可能之誘因,包括:正面結果之認知、機構組織的支持以及家庭的支持。
TSAI, E., & LAU, S. (2004). Factors Associated with Achievements of the Hong Kong Wheelchair Fencing Team. Asian Journal of Physical Education & Recreation, 10(1), 27–30.
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