The increase is in construction activities is not always good considering that in the construction sub-sectors, the company is a long-term investment, and the payment is following the terms of project completion, causing a decrease in the company's profitability. This study aims to analyze the company's profitability in the construction subsector and the impact of the company's external and internal factors in the construction subsector. This study uses a simulation method with a simultaneous equation model consisting of seven simultaneous equations and six identity equations estimated using the 2SLS method (Two-Stage Least Squares). The Results Showed that if the gross domestic product fell by 4% and the cost of revenue decreased by 5%, it resulted in an increase in return on assets by 12.95% (to 1.93% ROA) and returned on equity equal to 4. 07 (ROE to 27.96%). If inflation rises by 4% and the cost of revenue decreased by 5%, it would increase is the return on assets by 12.79 (ROA to 1.92%) and return on equity by 3:52% (ROE to 27.81%). If inflation rises by 4%, the gross domestic product falls by 4%, and cost of goods costs fall by 5%, the resulting in an increase in return on assets by 9.61% (ROA to 1.87%) and return on equity by 1.96% (ROE to 27.39%). Keywords: building construction subsector, external and internal factors, return on assets, return on equity, profitability, 2SLS Abstrak: Peningkatan dalam kegiatan konstruksi tidak selalu baik mengingat bahwa dalam sub-sektor konstruksi, perusahaan adalah investasi jangka panjang, dan pembayarannya mengikuti persyaratan penyelesaian proyek, yang menyebabkan penurunan profitabilitas perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis profitabilitas perusahaan di subsektor konstruksi dan dampak faktor eksternal dan internal perusahaan di subsektor konstruksi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode simulasi dengan model persamaan simultan yang terdiri dari tujuh persamaan simultan dan enam persamaan identitas yang diperkirakan menggunakan metode 2SLS (Two-Stage Least Squares). Hasil Menunjukkan bahwa jika produk domestik bruto turun 4% dan biaya pendapatan turun 5%, itu menghasilkan peningkatan return on assets sebesar 12,95% (menjadi 1,93% ROA) dan returned on equity sebesar 4, 07 (ROE ke 27,96%). Jika inflasi naik 4% dan biaya pendapatan turun 5%, yang akan meningkat adalah return on assets sebesar 12,79 (ROA menjadi 1,92%) dan returned on equity sebesar 3: 52% (ROE menjadi 27,81%). Jika inflasi naik 4%, produk domestik bruto turun 4%, dan biaya pokok barang turun 5%, yang mengakibatkan peningkatan return on assets sebesar 9,61% (ROA menjadi 1,87%) dan returned on equity s sebesar 1,96 % (ROE ke 27,39%). Kata kunci: subsektor konstruksi bangunan, faktor eksternal dan internal, return on assets, return on equity, profitabilitas, 2SLS
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Halian, W., Sinaga, B. M., & Novianti, T. (2020). Factors Affecting Profitability of Construction Company Sub-Sector. Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship.