The preoperative and postoperative infection control measures for critical limb ischemia treatments were described. The treatment strategies for severe ischemic limbs were showed according to the presence and extent of infection. If the treatment strategy for a severe ischemic limb with infection is mistaken, infection will spread and make worse the situation of the ischemic limb, and eventually it can result not only in limb loss but also life threatening. A surgical strategy is very important in the bypass material, the selection of anastomotic site, the use of postoperative antibacterial drugs, and the wound treatment. Infection troubles are the most familiar and indispensable problem for surgeons, the countermeasures against infection especially in critical limb ischemia is the key point along with revascularization. (This is a translation of Jpn J Vasc Surg 2018; 27: 129–132.)
Izumi, Y. (2018). Countermeasures against Infection in Critical Limb Ischemia Treatments. Annals of Vascular Diseases, 11(3), 277–280.
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