Understanding changes in Sino-U.S. relations from a historical perspective

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This paper analyzes the development of China–US relations through an exploration of history. It contains three parts. The first part reviews the evolution of China–US relations from the mid-nineteenth century to the present, discussing how the differences in the two countries’ social systems, values, geography, and international status have influenced the bilateral relationship. The second part sums up the historical experience of China–US exchanges, exploring how China–US relations affect the world at large, how the US has responded to changes within China and the dynamics of rivalry and mutual trust between the two countries. The third part uses historical comparison to analyze current disputes between China and the US, suggesting that it is still possible for them to avoid a zero-sum game and to reshape China–US relations through rationality, patience, wisdom, and creativity.




Zhang, B. (2020). Understanding changes in Sino-U.S. relations from a historical perspective. China International Strategy Review, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42533-020-00048-6

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